If you’re new to the orchestra, here are a few things you can expect from your evening out.
Take a look at our FAQ below for even more!
Expect to hear some music you haven’t heard before. BUT just because it’s new doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it.
Live music is a full-body communicative experience. Expect to feel the rhythm, volume and sound throughout your entire body.
Orchestras can be LOUD, but pride themselves on playing a full range of volumes and emotions to capture the spirit of the music you’re hearing.
warning:WE TALK!
AWS is a little different than most orchestras, because the conductor will introduce each piece of music. We do this because almost all the music we play is new, and we think you’ll enjoy it more if you know a bit about it.
The conductor, Dr Geoff Grey, has had decades of experience collaborating with composers and performers all over the world, and often has an amusing story to deepen your enjoyment of what you will hear.
We do things differently, and that means you turn your phone on at the start the concert.
We are industry leaders in electronic program notes, so you can load up even more detail about each piece on a black background during the performance at www.awslive.info
Keep it on silent, though!
The days of stuffed-shirt classical concerts are gone. We’re here to have fun, so wear anything legal that you’re comfortable in!
There are NO RULES! We usually record our concerts, so as long as it’s not during the music, we don’t mind. If in doubt, wait til everyone else claps.
To answer your question though: most people clap to welcome a musician onto the stage, and at the end of a piece of music. If the piece has several sections, the audience generally would only clap at the end (but we don’t mind!)
Short answer: Yes, but like all music, maybe not all of it, and that’s okay!
When we perform, it is actually art we are creating – and nobody would ever expect to like every picture, every sculpture, or every piece of music. Art is something that communicates ideas; it is not merely to be ‘liked’ all the time. Our concerts are overflowing with joy, beauty, heartache, tear-jerkers, and toe-tappers. But if there’s something that raises your sulphur-crest, we invite you to consider the artist’s message; perhaps we are ‘comforting the disturbed, and disturbing the comfortable’.
Maybe! If there is a bar at the venue, often you are welcome to bring your purchased beverage into the concert with you. There is no kiosk at church venues. You can bring in your own water, but you may not BYO.
Please don’t bring anything noisy into the concert, though (like crunchy chips or rustling packets).
You can take photos to your heart’s content! Please don’t use the flash, because that’s annoying to others. You may post the photos to socials and tag us, or email them to us!
Please be aware of whether your camera use bothers or blocks the person behind you, and it must be on silent as we record all events for our live albums.
Audio may not be recorded, because we want to ensure the recording quality of anything that is shared. Stay tuned, you will hear many of our performances on streaming services eventually anyway.
That’s a hard pass. Walking around or talking disturbs other patrons and distracts the musicians. We’re trying to communicate with you through music, so please stay seated until the applause.
Similarly, if you arrive late, you may not enter until there is applause.
Yes, to access the program notes (but no talking)! Our program notes at www.awslive.info are actually designed to be read on your phone. HOWEVER, please do not browse any other pages (most have a white background), as -just like it is at the movies- it will blind the other people behind you.
Our silver feather brooch symbolises a wind ensemble in full flight. It’s not a leaf, okay?!
We recommend checking out our Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music or YouTube channel.